Stan Buys a Car
Part II
Back to part I

Man!  I'm tired of looking at the same old stuff on the car lots..  I feel like I'll never find just the right car. 



Wait a minute - I've got an idea.   I seem to remember...........................FLASHBACK TO 1974!


Long haired gearhead
This questionable piece appeared in my highschool yearbook


Let's see...I bought my first car as junk and restored it, my second car, my third car, my fourth car,my eighth car, and my ninth car!  I suppose I could fix up one more.

Can I drive it when you're done? "Hey Dad!  Take a look at this one.  The car is free if you buy the tires."  Now this looks like a fine car, half the engine in the front, half in the back - talk about great weight distribution! Look, the interior is perfect, and it has almost all the options.  All it needs is a LITTLE fixing up. This looks like the car for me. :) This shouldn't be too hard....


Now remember, I'm saving money.... Ok, so it needs some help Hey, look what
followed me home!
Greasy engine parts More greasy engine parts
Hmm, I need to make
a few changes.
The front part of the engine The rear part of the engine

Let's see, I'll change the automatic transmission for a 5 speed, install an intercooler for the turbo, rebuild the engine and get the computer reprogrammed for even higher performance!  It might cost a good bit to buy all those parts.  The cheapest way to get all the parts I need would be.........

It was a good deal, really.... another car!!!

Still reading this gearhead stuff? Haven't had enough?  Ok, go on to.,..

Stan buys a car -  PAGE 3


Can you believe  silly people have wasted time looking at this page since May 26 1998?


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